On Friday, a paramilitary Israeli colonizer shot and killed a Palestinian at an illegal colony after he reportedly attacked him with a knife, near Qalqilia, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli sources said the Palestinian allegedly approached a colonizer at the Dorit Farm near Ma’ale Shomron colony, between Qalqilia and Salfit, and tried to stab him before the Israeli man fatally shot him.

The sources claimed that the Palestinian carried “several knives and improvised explosive devices” and added that there were Israeli casualties.

According to the Israeli Kan News, the Palestinian carried several knives and approached the colonizer while shouting Allahu Akbar before he fatally shot him.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the Israeli army informed the Palestinian General Authority of Civil Affairs that the Palestinian has been identified as Abdul-Karim Badea’ Sheikh, 21, and confirmed his death.

Hours after the young man’s death, dozens of soldiers invaded Sneiria village, south of Qalqilia, before storming and ransacking his family’s home and several nearby homes.

Also Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of a Palestinian child, Amir Mamoun Odah, 16, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured earlier in Qalqilia.

Thursday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Walid Sa’ad Daoud Nassar, 14, who was seriously injured by Israeli army fire two days ago when the soldiers killed six Palestinians in Jenin, in the northern West Bank.